Understanding the Canine Lexicon - The Amazing Chaser

Have you ever marveled at the way your dog seems to understand exactly what you're saying? Or how even if you spell out the word ‘w.a.l.k’, they know exactly what’s up? It turns out the language comprehension of our canine companions goes well beyond basic training cues.


Dogs don't comprehend language in the same way as humans. They may not grasp the nuances of syntax or grammar, but they have an impressive ability to understand words based on associations, intonations, and context. The key to a dog's word comprehension lies in the way we communicate with them. Dogs pick up on visual and auditory cues, associating specific sounds with actions or objects. This is why your dog might get excited when you mention the word "walk" or start tilting their head when you say "treat." The question then arises: How many words can dogs truly understand?


Research suggests that the average dog can comprehend around 165 words, ranging from basic commands to familiar objects and even some abstract terms. Of course, there are outliers on both ends of the spectrum – some dogs may grasp a few dozen words, while exceptionally trained dogs can understand a more extensive vocabulary. Chaser, the famous border collie, has the largest vocabulary of any known dog - a staggering 1,022 nouns.


While the exact number of words a dog comprehends can vary, their sensitivity to our communication goes beyond mere vocabulary. In addition to verbal cues, dogs excel at understanding our emotions and tones, using their masterful interpretation of our body language and facial expressions. So, the next time you think your dog understands what you're saying, it's not just in your imagination – they're likely picking up on a combination of verbal and non-verbal cues.


Understanding the depth of your dog's language abilities opens up exciting opportunities for your relationship with them. Whether you're teaching new tricks, expanding their vocabulary, or simply enjoying your life together, your dog’s ability to understand you makes them a unique and special companion. Want to return the favor? Learn all you can about their language too! Understanding canine communication, and particularly body language, will let you truly ‘speak dog’.

Watch an PBS video clip of Chaser in action at https://youtu.be/omaHv5sxiFI?si=O6jnZl3HD3wKOAta (2018)

https://youtu.be/nELgJ1duDTQ?si=L9dqBkHMnqWVgI6F (2019)

Dogs are extremely smart, with training and dedication to each other, the human/dog bond can be incredible! Playing fun games and teaching your service dog new things will strengthen the bond between you and your service dog, will keep your service dog physically and mentally stimulated, and will reinforce that being with you is the best place to be! It is a win win for both of you!


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